How To Make A Wetsuit Smaller?


If you are in the market for a new wetsuit or have bought a new wetsuit, it is important to ensure that your wetsuit is fit tight when you put it on. Wetsuits should be snug, this is by design. It is also important that if diving in colder waters that the suit is snug-fitting so that you can stay warm and avoid getting too cold.

Wetsuits are generally made from neoprene material so you can use a dryer to shrink a wetsuit but you will be very careful that the setting is at a low temperature or with no heat at all if you decide to do this. The high temperature will damage the wetsuit. You should really ensure that the wetsuit fits properly before buying.

In today’s post, we will go through in more detail how to make a wetsuit smaller, so let’s get started!

Read more on common questions asked by divers

What If Your Wetsuit Is Too Big?

If your wetsuit is too big simply it will not work properly. The main problem, the extra space between the body and the wetsuit will allow more water in between the suit and the body. As a result, making it harder to stay warm.

On the other hand, if too small, it will be very restrictive and uncomfortable.

scuba diving

Does Neoprene Wetsuits Shrink Overtime?

Yes, wetsuits overtime shrink but it can take a good few years for this to happen. Neoprene is made up of a closed-cell synthetic rubber structure.

You do need to keep your wetsuit from direct sunlight as the heat or extreme pressure will expand the cells which in turn causes the cells to collapse, resulting in the wetsuit shrinking.

How To Make A Wetsuit Smaller?

Wetsuits are generally made from neoprene material which is made up of a closed-cell synthetic rubber structure. You can use a dryer to shrink a wetsuit but you need to be very careful to ensure that it is at a low temperature or no heat at all.

Remember that the heat will damage the wetsuit. It is easier to ensure that the wetsuit fits properly before buying. The wetsuit needs to be snug when it is dry, and be comfortable when wet.

You could wear extra clothes underneath the wetsuit but this is not necessarily practical.

Tips When Buying A Wetsuit​

Wetsuits are not cheap and it’s hard to know if the one you just bought will do what you need it to. This can seem overwhelming and these tips may help when buying a wetsuit. These are as follows.

  • If it is your first time buying a wetsuit, it would be safer to go into a shop that sells wetsuits. As you can try it on and get help from the sales assistant.
  • The wetsuit needs to fit snugly. Wetsuits will shrink around 5% in water and they should fit your body like a glove. When trying on suits, it’s important to keep in mind that your feet should not touch the end of the suit when you’re standing up straight.
  • Pull your legs in first. That if feels too tight it may indicate that the size is too small. If you try to force it might damage the suit.
  • Your legs and bum should feel nice and snug in the suit before inserting your arms.
  • Now pull your arms in next. That if feels too tight it may indicate that the size is too small. If you try to force it might damage the suit.
Scuba Diving

Tips When Maintaining A Wetsuit

A wetsuit is an essential piece of equipment for any scuba diver. It can be expensive to purchase a new one, so it is important to take care of the ones you have! Read on for some helpful tips on how to maintain your wetsuit.

  • Store in a dry place. A wetsuit will not last long if stored in direct sunlight, or a humid wet place when storing suits during winter months. You need to hang the wetsuit upright in a cool dry place.
  • Wash your wetsuit. Wash with soap at least once per month with warm water and mild detergent and avoid using harsh chemicals. The best way to dry your wetsuit is to hang it inside-out in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Do not pee in your wetsuit. Other than the hygiene issues with peeing in a wetsuit but the pee can damage the structure of your wetsuit, destroying the air pockets of the neoprene.

Wrapping Up

Finally, wetsuits are generally made from neoprene material. You can use a dryer to shrink a wetsuit but you will need to use the dryer at a very low or no heat at all if you decide you use a dryer. The high temperature will damage the wetsuit. You should really ensure that the wetsuit fits properly before buying.

And that’s it for now! I’d love to know if this guide on how to make a wetsuit smaller has helped you. Let me know if you have any questions and let me know if there is more to add.

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How To Make A Wetsuit Smaller

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