Many people want to see a shark up close such as the great white in the ocean. Sharks are one of the most feared animals in the sea if not on the planet. But in most cases, there are misunderstood. If you are still interested in getting up close and personal there is always the option of cage diving with them. So, how safe is shark cage diving?
Shark cage diving is known to be safe. There have been no fatalities with people cage diving with sharks. Remember there are risks to being lowered into the ocean in a cage surrounded by sharks.
In today’s post, we will go through in more detail how safe shark cage diving is, so let’s get started!
Read more on common questions asked by divers
How Safe Is Shark Cage Diving?
Shark cage diving is one of the safest ways to see sharks up close and in the wild. With shark cage diving there have been 0 fatalities and only a handful of non-fatal shark attacks on shark cage divers in the last 20 years.
Which is an incredibly low rate of attack considering that we are talking about sharks. There are a few reasons why shark cage diving is so safe.
First, sharks are more likely to attack solitary individuals than groups. When you’re in a shark cage, you’re surrounded by other people, which makes you less of a target.
Second, shark cages are made of metal bars that sharks can’t bite through. And finally, most shark cage dives take place in areas where there are lots of fish for the sharks.

Has A Shark Cage Ever Dropped?
While shark cage diving is safe, there have been a few incidents where cages have dropped or been breached by sharks. In most cases, these incidents have resulted in minor injuries to the divers inside.
In 2013, a shark cage being towed behind a boat in South Africa was breached by a great white shark. Two divers inside the cage were injured, one of them seriously.
In 2012, a shark cage at an aquarium in Japan was breached by a tiger shark. The shark injured two people inside the cage, one of them seriously.
In 2009, a shark cage at an aquarium in China was also breached by a tiger shark. One person was injured in the incident.
In 2008, this doesn’t really count as a fatal incident for a shark diving cage. The cage diving boat was anchored off the coast of Gansbaai in South Africa and was in the progress of shark cage diving when the vessel was capsized by a large 6+ meter wave.
Three tourists were trapped underneath the capsized hull for more than forty minutes before it was realized that passengers were missing and still unaccounted for. The three tourists died.
Can A Shark Bite Through A Shark Cage?
No, a shark cannot bite through a shark cage. Shark cages are made of metal bars that are too thick for sharks to bite through.
In some cases, shark bites have resulted in the shark breaching the cage. This usually happens when the shark is very large or the cage is not properly secured. However, even in these cases, the shark has not been able to bite through the metal bars of the cage.
So, if you’re ever worried about being attacked by a shark while diving in a shark cage, don’t worry! The cage will protect you from any kind of attack.

Where To Go Shark Cage Diving?
If you’re interested in shark cage diving, there are a few places around the world where you can do it.
One of the best places to go shark cage diving in South Africa. The waters off the coast of South Africa are home to a large number of great white sharks, making it one of the best places in the world to see these amazing creatures up close.
Other good places to go shark cage diving include Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. These countries also have large populations of sharks, so you’ll have a good chance of seeing them while you’re diving.
So, if you’re looking for an exhilarating way to see sharks up close, shark cage diving is definitely.
Wrapping Up
Finally, shark cage diving is known to be safe. There have been no fatalities with people cage diving with sharks. Remember there are risks to being lowered into the ocean in a cage surrounded by sharks.
And that’s it for now! I’d love to know if this guide on how safe is shark cage diving has helped you. Let me know if you have any questions and let me know if there is more to add.
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