The Titanic is properly the most famous shipwreck in the world. The wreck lies at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of the Canadian province of Newfoundland since it hit an iceberg back in April 1912. Can you scuba dive to the Titanic?
No, the Titanic is 3.8 km (2.35 mi) deep, that is simply just too deep. The pressure would be so high, it would crush your bones and it would be extremely cold. There will also be concerns that pure oxygen becomes toxic after about 30 feet so there would need to switch gas mixtures because of toxicity issues.
In today’s post, we will go through in more detail if you can scuba dive to the Titanic, so let’s get started!
Read more on common questions asked by divers
Can You Scuba Dive To The Titanic?
The short answer is no. Simply the Titanic is too deep to scuba dive to as it is 3.8 km (2.35 mi) deep. As well as that the pressure would be so high, it would crush your bones and it would be extremely cold.
There will also be concerns that pure oxygen becomes toxic after about 30 feet so there would need to switch gas mixtures because of toxicity problems.
Is It Possible To Dive To See The Titanic?
The OceanGate Titanic Survey Expedition offers the opportunity to dive to see the Titanic. It’s not cheap. Also, remember that every dive that is made down to the Titanic is accelerating the rate of decay of the ship.
If divers continue to visit the wreck, then the wreck is going to disappear even sooner.

There is a process to join the expedition, you will have to apply, and go through the interview process. To summarise the expedition, it is a six-week expedition that is planning to depart from St. John’s in Newfoundland.
People that join the expedition are called expeditionists. Expeditionists are trained in a variety of skills to learn about the ship’s workings, and how to operate the sonar and underwater navigation systems, as to be able to help the Titanic diving expedition crew in their day-to-day duties.
The expeditionists will experience three days of diving that will last up to three hours. With the goal to capture images and laser scans of the wreck site in an effort to create a 3D photorealistic model.
How Much Does It Cost To Dive To The Titanic?
It is not cheap by any means but the cost to dive to the starts from $125,000 that is offered by OceanGate Expeditions. You can expect to join an expedition to the Titanic and dive down to the titanic over a 6-week period.

Are There Still Bodies In The Titanic?
There have been no human skeletons ever found in or around the wreck of the Titanic. In saying that, there are traces of where bodies but no organic matter such as skeleton remains have ever been found. There is a number of reasons for this, these are as follows.
- The wreck of the Titanic is over 3.7 km deep. Any bodies that sank with the wreck would have been instantly crushed by the pressure once it sank.
- Marine life would have eaten the bodies.
Why Can't They Bring The Titanic Up?
Titanic is over 3.8 km (2.35 mi) deep in saltwater with extremes in temperature and pressure. It is in a bad stand of decay. Just to attempt to raise any section of the Titanic would be an extremely expensive and complex undertaking.
Other than the complex and expensive undertaking, there are other considerations that will add to the complexity. These are as follows.
- The Titanic is broken into 2 pieces, several hundred yards apart. On top of that, it has been over 110 years on the seabed. The ship is disintegrating with the saltwater, and microbial life destroying the metal.
- Artifacts brought up need to undergo desalination and adjustment to make them safe for exposure to air. Imagine trying to do that to a large ship.
- It is grave for the 1,500 people who died on the Titanic. This applies is for all wrecks that are over 100 years old. As well as that there is an international treaty passed to protect the Titanic.
Wrapping Up
Finally, the short answer is no you can not scuba dive to the Titanic. With it being 3.7 km deep, this is simply just too deep. At the depth the pressure is too high, it would crush your bones and it would be extremely cold.
And that’s it for now! I’d love to know if this guide on can you scuba dive to the Titanic has helped you. Let me know if you have any questions and let me know if there is more to add.
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