For people that are planning a holiday somewhere tropical where there are going to go snorkeling or scuba diving. There may be concerns about the local marine life especially if you see reports that there may be jellyfish there. So, can jellyfish sting through a wetsuit?
For the most part, wetsuits will protect you from a jellyfish sting. There is the obvious exception that your head, face, hands, and feet are not protected by the wetsuit as the wetsuit doesn’t cover those body parts. You would need to get extra gear such as gloves and booties if you want to protect those parts of your body.
In today’s post, we will go through can jellyfish sting through a wetsuit, so let’s get started!
Read more on common questions asked by divers
Can Jellyfish Sting Through A Wetsuit?
For the most part, wetsuits will protect you from a jellyfish sting with the exception of your head, face, hands, and feet which are not protected by the wetsuit.
You would need to get extra gear such as gloves, booties, and a hood if you want to protect those parts of your body.

A wetsuit prevents the water from getting inside which causes the jellyfish’s venom or gas to dissipate and lose its effect. Jellyfish sting about half of the people that get in their way.
If you get stung in the water, we strongly suggest that you get out of the water, soak in vinegar, and pull the stingers out. The pain will last only for a few minutes, but if you leave it in longer than that it can hurt for hours. And then soak the skin in hot water for 30 minutes.
What Attracts Jellyfish?
Jellyfish are predators that can sense changes in water temperature, currents, chemicals, and sounds. If you are enjoying a swim and suddenly find yourself surrounded by jellyfish, it might be because one of the following factors attracted them.
- Jellyfish also need to eat so there are not just drifting around in the water, they propel themselves forward with water jets powered to their food source. And you might be near their food source.
- They think you are a predator. So, if you’re in the water, you could be perceived as a predator by the jellyfish and they are defending themselves.
- Jellyfish are attracted to warm water such as that near a beach or swimming pool.
- Changes in the physical environment and chemicals in the water can also attract jellyfish to your location.
- Jellyfish may be attracted to a particular area where there is food, such as near a reef or under rock overhangs.
- Jellyfish are not restricted to the deepest parts of the sea, they are found in every water depth and latitude.
Remember that jellyfish use their tentacles to catch zooplankton from the water, so when you’re in the water, they don’t necessarily sting you because they want to eat you or feel threatened by you.

Can You Touch The Top Of The Jellyfish?
Yes, you can but it doesn’t mean you should. Not all jellyfish are able to sting through human skin but the tentacles, which may contain the stingers are normally underneath the body.
Why Does Vinegar Help Jellyfish Stings?
Yes, vinegar helps to make the venom inactivate then you can remove the stingers or tentacles without worrying about more venom being injected.
Jellyfish stings can be painful and can cause serious problems such as circulation and breathing if left untreated.
Here are a few points on treating jellyfish stings.
- Vinegar (in water) may be used as a home remedy against jellyfish stings that occur while swimming. This works because vinegar contains acetic acid, which cuts through the jelly that is covering one’s skin.
- If vinegar is not available, aspirin (acetaminophen) can also be used.
- Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) also works on sea urchins and is good for cuts from fishing equipment.
Should You Pee On A Jellyfish Sting?
No, peeing on a jellyfish sting is not useful and will not ease the pain. This is a popular myth. Also, peeing on a sting may cause skin irritation and inflammation. Along with pee can aggravate the jellyfish’s stingers into releasing more venom.
And then there is the idea of peeing or allowing someone to pee on you is not too appealing.
So what should you do when you’re swimming and suddenly surrounded by jellyfish?
- If you get stung, jump out of the water immediately and remove the stingers.
- If there are no lifeguards on duty, try to find a high point or shallow water nearby so that if you need rescuing, it will be easier for the rescue team to reach your location.
- Try to get medical assistance if possible.
Wrapping Up
Finally, wetsuits will protect you from a jellyfish sting with the exception of your head, face, hands, and feet which are not protected by the wetsuit. You would need to get some extra gear such as gloves, booties, and a hood if you want to protect those parts of your body.
And that’s it for now! I’d love to know if this guide on can jellyfish sting through a wetsuit has helped you. Let me know if you have any questions and let me know if there is more to add.
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