Snorkeling and swimming are both great alternatives to scuba diving, while you are pregnant. They are a few factors you should consider or at least be aware of when planning on going snorkeling while pregnant.It is always advisable to talk with your doctor for advice if planning on snorkeling when pregnant and the doctor with tell you of the risks more so for you than the general risks.In today’s post, we will go through considerations and risks while trying to answer can you snorkel while pregnant in more detail, so let’s get started!

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Can You Snorkel While Pregnant?
Yes, you can snorkel while pregnant as it is a great way to exercise especially for the first two trimesters but the risk grows in the third trimester as energy levels drop.There are a few considerations or risks you should consider before going snorkeling while pregnant. These are as follows.Check With Your Doctor
Check in with your doctor and let them know that you intend to go snorkeling or you are going to travel and explain the activities you plan to do on the trip.The doctor will know your medical history and be able to explain the risks of snorkeling while pregnant.
Your Swimming Ability
If you are a weak swimmer, being pregnant could make it even more challenging. You could wear a life jacket so you could just float around but this could depend on the size of your belly.Your Fitness Level
Snorkeling is not really a vigorous sport. Still, you would need to be at a decent level of fitness before hitting the water.Holding Your Breath
Snorkelers sometimes hold their breath and do not use the snorkel mask. This is fine if you are not pregnant but the problem is babies need a constant supply of oxygen to continue their development.Use Your Own Equipment
If possible bring your own equipment to go snorkeling. Snorkeling equipment when it is rented may not be properly disinfected before you use it. It is better safe than sorry than to take a chance when pregnant.
Don’t Dive
Try and resist the urge to dive even if it is only 3 to 4 meters. This would require you to hold your breath to start diving.Avoid The Heat
If you are out in the sun or you are snorkeling in warm weather make sure you take plenty of breaks in the shade and drink plenty of water.Even avoid snorkeling out in the sun during the hottest parts of the day. Remember an elevated body temperature can be damaging to fetal development, especially in the first few months of pregnancy.
Be Aware Of Your Surrounding
Always be aware of your surroundings at all times. Pay more attention to where you are swimming, and where you are stepping, and always be watching your surroundings.Simply a step on a sea urchin may not be the worst thing in the world if you’re not pregnant but could be seriously injurious if you are pregnant.Remember You Are Pregnant
Even if you are the best snorkeller in the world, being overconfident could get you into trouble. Remember that pregnancy can sometimes make you feel more dizzy and disoriented than usual, so don’t try to push yourself too hard.Wrapping Up
Finally, snorkeling when pregnant is ok. There are a few considerations to be aware of before you jump into the water such as the heat, drinking plenty of water, and talking to your doctor. By talking to your doctor, they will be able to explain the risks in greater detail.And that’s it for now! I’d love to know if this guide on whether you can snorkel while pregnant has helped you. Let me know if you have any questions and let me know if there is more to add.Did you enjoy this post? Then don’t forget to pin it!