How To Break In A Wetsuit?

wetsuit hanging on surfboard

If you just have bought a new wetsuit it can feel a bit tight and uncomfortable. Simply new wetsuits can be like new shoes they just need to be broken in so you just need to use the new wetsuit but you may struggle to perform the same actions compared to your old suit. So how to break in a wetsuit?

The best way to break in a wetsuit is just to go scuba diving in it. Frankly, you do not really want to speed up the break-in process, simply because just might reduce the lifespan of the wetsuit and that it might lose its insulation and warmth.

In today’s post, we will go through in more detail how to break in a wetsuit, so let’s get started!

Read more on common questions asked by divers

How To Break In A Wetsuit?

The best way to break in a wetsuit is just to scuba dive with it. Frankly, you do not really want to speed up the break-in process, simply because just might reduce the lifespan of the wetsuit and that it might lose insulation and warmth.

Floating Diver

How Do You Soften A Wetsuit?

Wetsuits are made of Neoprene which does not stretch much but over time it can stretch. Remember that by design, wetsuits should be snug, but not too tight. The best way to break in a wetsuit is just to go scuba diving with it.

Remember that you do not really want to speed up the break-in process, simply because it may damage the wetsuit and reduce the lifespan. If you really want to break in the suit you can soften the wetsuit by soaking it in warm water for a short time.

Is It Easier To Put On A Wetsuit Wet Or Dry?

It is a little easier to put on a wetsuit when it is dry as when wet it can be hard to put the wetsuit on because it is a bit heavier and can feel sticky or tighter so it can cause excessive pulling on the suit and that might cause a tearing.

Will Wetsuits Stretch Overtime?

Yes, wetsuits will stretch with use over time. You should also remember that neoprene stretches a little when it gets wet.

scuba diving

How Do You Know If A Wetsuit Is Too Small?

A wetsuit should be snug but not too tight. There are a number of things to watch out for. These are as follows.
  • If it is your first time buying a wetsuit, it would be safer to go into a shop that sells wetsuits. As you can try it on and get help from the sales assistant.
  • The wetsuit needs to fit snugly. Wetsuits will shrink around 5% in water and they should fit your body like a glove. When trying on suits, it’s important to keep in mind that your feet should not touch the end of the suit when you’re standing up straight.
  • Pull your legs in first. That if feels too tight it may indicate that the size is too small. If you try to force it might damage the suit.
  • Your legs and bum should feel nice and snug in the suit before inserting your arms.
  • Now pull your arms in next. That if feels too tight it may indicate that the size is too small. If you try to force it might damage the suit.

Is Vaseline Bad For Wetsuits?

Vaseline is a petroleum-based product lubricant that will damage the neoprene which is the material the wetsuit is made from. People do use Vaseline regularly to protect themselves from chafing. But does reduce the lifespan of the wetsuit.

Wrapping Up

Finally, the best way to break in a wetsuit is just to go scuba diving with it. Simply, you do not really want to speed up the break-in process, simply because just might reduce the lifespan of the wetsuit. You don’t want to be replacing the wetsuit earlier than you need to.

And that’s it for now! I’d love to know if this guide on how to break in a wetsuit has helped you. Let me know if you have any questions and let me know if there is more to add.

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How To Break In A Wetsuit

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